06 April 2006

An Update

Funny how life runs away with you- I haven't been short on knitting, only short on things to say about it. While I am Addicted, I haven't quite figured out what all to say about it all the time. I think that will come with time - it has been only 3 months, I'm a beginner!

I spent a week in Paris - I was sick the whole time, which made for a bad tourist but a good sock knitter. Thankfully, I chose an aisle seat in order to make trying socks on on the flight over and back easier. I now officially have two socks - Regia 4 fadig in Jubilee and Bearfoot in Elderberry using mini-cables from Sensational Knitted Socks (which I love because all patterns are already written for DPN and circulars) and a two-sock second sock problem. In my quest to alleviate this, I picked up Cat Bordhi's book and knit the other half of the Regia pair on circulars! YAY! Next step, finish Bearfoot and cast on a PAIR on circulars.

The Musee d'Orsay must have known I was coming:

Or so I'd like to think. I'm pretty sure she's knitting socks, which thrilled me to bits. I was honestly pretty taken by the fact that she was knitting these because she had to - someone needed to wear them. I knit them because I *like* to. She's also probably half my age and 3x times as skilled as I am. How times have changed, and yet, we knit the same items the same way as women 400 years ago.

I returned home from said trip, and promptly finished a chunky hooded sweater - my first sweater, and it even FITS!

I had my first moment feeling the "need" to create a "stash." Fell in love with a skein of Feza Premier (ooh, pretty, must have for stash)....but instead, made what felt like the world's longest scarf. It took me 2 1/2 hours to untangle all the sections, re-knot and wind them up (a ball winder was my next purchase), and then decided that I needed to wear said scarf to dinner on Saturday night. As in, 48 hours after having my wisdom teeth out, and 6 hours after winding the yarn. Ambitious, yes, but bed rest does wonders for knitterly pursuits! I wore the scarf with pride on Saturday night, and I looked good (at least) despite not being able to eat a thing....

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